The foremost purpose of supervision is the protection and best interest of clients, and next to support Practitioners development. 

I strive to achieve this in a balanced way without the supervisee feeling somehow one down to either client or myself as a supervisor.

I trained in and offer cross-modality Integrative Supervision (Post Grad level 7) 

By Integrative I mean I use all my learning and experience. 

The supervision training I attended was also Integrative, from both very experienced, senior Transactional Analysis and Person Centred Practitioners.

Models I use are Integrative Development Model (Stolenberg and Delworth 1982) and Seven Eyed Process Model  (Hawkins and Shohet 1993)

Whether you are a Qualified or a Trainee / Student Therapist, I offer a supportive holding Supervision.

I’m aware of the challenges when first working as a Counsellor / Psychotherapist, and how daunting this may be.

I will do my best to make myself available if you are a new therapist working with clients for the first few sessions - all therapists remember whether or not their Supervisor was there for them at the start.

Agreements on supervisory contract will evolve with experience. 

Different organisations have different requirements and this will be discussed and clarified.

Transparency and ‘contract’ of what is expected of both Supervisee and myself as Supervisor will be clear. You will receive sessional receipts of money paid and Supervision attendance.

I encourage supervisees to play anonymised client tape excerpts at least sometimes.

I will discuss if you have a therapist, or one you can go to if a therapy issue comes up in supervision. 

Supervisees will need to have had, or be having personal therapy, just in the same way I continue to commit to my own personal and professional development. 

It will be the therapy you receive foremost that invites you to become an accomplished therapist, along with good enough training and good supervision. 

I especially welcome Students / Trainees and Qualified therapists with some experience of Transactional Analysis or those wishing to have some understanding from this framework.

If you are interested in individual or group supervision please get in touch.

Jon Firth